Lies of Australian Media

I followed the election of Donald Trump on US media. What is dished up to us on ABC, SBS, Channel 10, 7, 9, is all of the left wing media of the US who are bitter about Hillary losing.

President Trump now has 60% approval rating in the US. He has 49% approval for the 90 day travel pause (not ban).

George Soros a billionaire globalist open border fanatic, funded over 50 of the “women’s” groups that marched and vilified Pres Trump.

If you get your information on the USA from Australian media, you are being misled and lied to.

Remember that Rupert Murdoch is no longer an Australian, he is a globalist, and so are his sons, and he owns this newspaper.

He got his nose out of joint with Pres Trump’s rejection of globalism, which is why you have seen little but negative coverage (except for Kenny) in The Australian, and other newspapers he owns.

Trump knows Best (or at least, better than the rest of us)

I love Rudy. I also love all those supporters (Christie, etc) who stood up for Pres Trump almost from the beginning in the face of ridicule and hostility.

Having said that, I admire Trump for trying to pick the best person for each important job whether that person is/was a personal friend or not. People who are getting angst about the supporters not getting jobs are actually insulting the supporters including Rudy. What they (and Dobbs) are actually saying is that the supporters were only supporters because they wanted a job. This is very insulting.

Trump has made his fortune because he picks the right person for the right job. Down at his core, Trump in an absolutely ruthless person who all his life has run with, and beaten, the big sharks. He has his vision of what he wants to do, and he is going to pick the sharpest knife in the drawer to do it. Period.

People can squeal all they want to, but I believe Trump is going to do everything he said. I believe Trump. Do you? To do that, he needs the big sharks in the tank with him facing the big sharks of Islam, Communism (“Socialists, Left” both in the US and abroad), the UN, China, and the Globalists.
Trump knows we are in WW3, He knows the US is facing ruin unless it gets its financial act together, and he is acting like it in his selections.

Andrew Bolt’s Blog Has Become a Cesspool of Leftist Trolls

I used to be a great fan of Andrew Bolt and enjoyed reading and commenting on his blog.  It was mainly a friendly, interesting comment section, with droll banter between commenters, spirited debate at times, but usually fun and informative.

Now, Andrew seems to put the minimum into it. His comments are the same old same old, but done shorter and definitely not bigly. We used to be able to read his longer pieces but no longer, as the dreaded “paywall” has come down.

His commentary has lost its zing. He is just paddling enough to get paid. Perhaps his nightly gig on Sky News is taking up all his energy. His lack of research on the Trump campaign and Trump himself, was downright embarrassing and cringe worthy. He was against him at first, but then was hammered by Trump supporters, who also happen to be the same crowd of “righties” who support Abbott and can’t stand Turnbull, and started to change his tune.

Then there is the comments section. People like “Simon” and a few other single first names leftists give themselves, have been allowed to troll over and over again, with the same leftist points, which others knock down, only to confront the same leftist talking points again the next day. Mindless drivel from Climate Alarmist scientists that were disproven years ago are trotted out. Smart arse comments on “free speech” and 18C are regularly inserted.

Most of the original friendly band of middle of the road conservative supporters of Bolt seem to have given up like I have. There are new names for awhile, and then they too leave. But “Simon” and his ilk remain, I would suggest that they are being paid for doing so, hence the identifiable (to the paymaster) names.

I used to tell people to be sure and read Bolt. No longer.

Bali Death Trap

I find it inconceivable that parents would allow their teenage children to go to Bali unsupervised. Yet another 17 year old lad has been arrested at a night club (why was he allowed in?) with “white powder”.

Have these people not heard of the Bali Nine, Schapelle Corby and numerous others caught, and either in jail for 20 years, or executed for crimes that in Australia would get them a few years of jail at most?

Have people not heard of Islam? Do they not know that Indonesia is packed full of 200 million muslims who take pride in killing Christians and anybody else that Mohammed slandered? Bali itself still has people with animist religion, but it is overlaid by islam. Indonesia is a token democracy, with elections, but make no mistake, Islam rules.

Indonesian judges take pride in having close to 100% conviction rate. 100%! Nobody gets that rate unless the system is slanted a certain way. The assumption is not like our western way, that you are innocent until proven guilty. There, if you are arrested, you are guilty unless you can prove your innocence. That may not strictly be their law, but it is how they operate it.

The sooner all Australians give Bali a miss and go to the Gold Coast instead, the fewer of these sad tales we will have to hear, and the fewer lives will be ruined.

Greg Sheridan in the lap of Malcolm Turnbull

Here is another Sheridan foggy bottom article about ooooh scary horrible Trump, and how Malcolm Turnbull will educate him. Laughable. Turnbull is hanging on by a thread here, he has just about no credibility left, and it is bumbling Turnbull who needs to learn a few lessons, not Trump.

At least half of the world is jumping for joy, Greg, they are not “sweating on the new order” at all. Geez, here is another journalist needs to get out of the city and start sweating around Australia and talking to real people. Been too long in the Canberra Gulag Greg.

“A new electoral dance is under way. It’s strictly not ballroom, more like a strobe-lit disco from the Austin Powers shagaholic days of the 70s, the true Trump aesthetic.” Greg, really, it is you who are out of date, not Trump. Trump is up to date with what real people are thinking and doing, which is why he won. And your rhetoric is insulting and asinine.

“such as the talk of a 45 per cent tariff on Chinese imports, exploding NAFTA, possibly reneging on security commitments to NATO and the like, though Trump is sensibly backtracking on almost all of this”. Greg, how do you know what Trump is backtracking on, seeing he is NOT IN OFFICE YET!

I could pick this article to pieces but go read it yourself.

“How to trash your own credibility in 10 easy steps”, by Greg Sheridan, should be the title of your next article.

Islamic Terror Attack at Melbourne Bank. Murdoch News hide story.

From Tim Blair:

Actually Tim, they ARE hiding this news. No mention on TV news, and suddenly this story has vanished from the front page of The Australian (supposedly the National Newspaper of quality thinking). Considering that 27 people including a baby were injured, some very seriously, when this muslim called Nur Islam (wow that name is a giveaway, as Tim says) threw petrol across the floor of the bank and lit it while people were queuing for service, severely burning people, you would think that the progress of the victims might be of interest to the public. The only good news was that this low life was so stupid that he poured it on himself and thus was burned as well.

The Herald Sun Victoria, has a story not mentioning Islam. “Refugee has no sympathy for blast suspect” speaks about a “Myanmar asylum seeker”. You would not know that Myanmar is having serious trouble with muslims sneaking across the border, and colonising Myanmar and murdering buddhists and everyone else. In other words, another Islamic terrorist refugee brought to Australia.

The Courier Mail Queensland (aka red rag news although a Murdoch stable), has no mention at all of the 27 injured, let alone the muslim perpetrator. However, it does have its usual red rag item on Trump.  “Caught Out” “Trump’s New Advisor Seriously Scary” This man leaked classified information to Australia (true but ok’d), has a frightening view on muslims, and has just been given enormous new powers.

They are talking about highly regarded General Michael Flynn who had a falling out with Obama because Flynn wanted to concentrate the resources on muslim terrorists in the USA and Obama doesn’t even want to use the words to describe islamic terrorism, and in fact, Obama gutted all agencies from talking about it.

UPDATE: From the Brisbane Times stating the man is a Rohinga, and of course, putting a lot of sympathetic spin on the whole episode. I don’t see any reporting on the victims, however, at least 6 of whom are in a critical condition.

The Rohinga asylum seekers could just have easily have moved next door to Bangladesh if they were being persecuted in Myanmar (Berma). However, this is not what they want. Maybe it has something to do with the excellent welfare system we have in Australia?

It is never stated that the Rohinga themselves were attacking the Buddhists trying to enforce their own state in Myanmar. Somehow this never the muslims fault. See a pattern here?

Breitbart also has an article.

Typically, the politicians are downplaying this. Listen to this fool. “Victoria’s state Premier Daniel Andrews said on Sunday there was no political motivation involved in the attack on the bank.” No? Ever read the Koran Premier Andrews?


Abolish the Human Rights Commission NOW Prime Minister!

Andrew Bolt has a good roundup of three articles today on the abolition of the Human Rights Commission. Good to see people finally saying it. However, until that commission is gone, and all the other State ones, there will be no freedom of speech in Australia.